The Renaissance of ETFs Webinar - Waystone

      The Renaissance of ETFs Webinar

      We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive webinar that will delve into the world of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and discuss the findings of the comprehensive report by Oliver Wyman commissioned by Waystone, titled "The Renaissance of ETFs."

      The panel will examine the growth trends of the ETF industry as well as the factors driving its rapid growth.

      Watch the webinar here

      Moderator:  Paul Heffernan

      Panelists:     Kamil Kaczmarski,  Douglas Yones

      Date:            Tuesday, 12th September 2023

      Time:            35min duration

      For managers based in APAC (10am HKT)       Register Here

      For managers based in Europe (12pm BST)     Register Here

      For managers based in the US (1pm  EST)       Register Here

      Download the report here

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